Maximizing the Smallest Eigenvalue of Grounded Laplacian Matrix by Node Selection

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The smallest eigenvalue of a grounded Laplacian matrix plays a pivotal role in complex networks, such as system control, convergence rate and the robustness of a system. In this paper, we focus on the node selection problem of maximizing the smallest eigenvalue of the grounded Laplacian matrix for a graph with n nodes and m edges, under an upper bound constraint k ≪ n. We show this combinatorial optimization problem is NP-hard and the objective function is monotone but non-submodular. Since the optimal solution cannot be calculated directly, we adopt a greedy strategy to solve this problem by selecting one node at a time. Specifically, we employ derivatives and matrix perturbations to make our algorithm efficient with a time complexity of O ̃(km), where O ̃(·) notation suppresses the poly(log n) factors, and also applicable to large-scale networks. We conduct numerous experiments on different networks of various sizes to demonstrate the superiority of our algorithm in terms of efficiency and effectiveness compared to other methods.

IEEE Transaction on Cybernetics(Under Review)
Run Wang
Run Wang
Master in Information Technology and Electrical Engineering

Formerly with extensive experience in algorithm design, now transitioned into the realm of digital architecture IC design.